Genus Limacina


  • Bandel, K. von, Almogi-Labin, A., Hemleben, C. and Deuser, W. C. 1984. The conch of Limacina and Peraclis (Pteropoda) and a model for the evolution of planktonic gastropods. N. Jb. Geol. Paleont., Abhandl. 168(1): 87-107, 2 tabs, 25 figs.
  • Bary, B. M. 1963. Temperature, salinity and plankton in the eastern North Atlantic and coastal waters of Britain, 1957, 3. The distribution of zooplankton in relation to water bodies. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 20: 1519-1548, 14 pls.
  • Boekschoten, G. J. 1969. Fossilführung und Stratigraphie des Oligo-Miozens von fünf norddeutschen Bohrungen. Meyniana 19: 1-77, 24 tabs, 9 figs, 3 pls.
  • Eschscholtz, F. 1825. Bericht über die zoologische Ausbeute wehrend der Reise von Kronstadt bis St. Peter und Paul. Isis 6: 733-747, pl. 5.
  • Fuchs, Th. 1905. Über Pteropoden- und Globigerinenschlamm in Lagunen von Koralleninseln. Verhandl. k. k. geol. Reichsanst. 7-8: 169-172.
  • Hinsch, W. 1973a. Biostratigraphie des Miozens im Kreis Pinneberg. Mitt. Geol. Paleont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 42: 25-56, 8 tabs, 5 figs, pl. 4.
  • Hinsch, W. 1973b. Biostratigraphie des Miozens im mittleren Schleswig-Holstein. Meyniana 23: 53-67, 5 tabs, 2 figs.
  • Hinsch, W. and Ortlam, D. 1974. Stand und Probleme der Gliederung des Terters in Nordwestdeutschland. Geol. Jb. (A)16: 2-25, 6 figs.
  • Ivanova, L. V. 1958. A Spirialis find in the Polomica series of the Carpathians. Rep. Acad. Sci. Ukr. 4: 437-439, 4 figs.
  • Kay, E. A. 1979. Hawaiian marine shells. Reef and shore fauna of Hawaii section 4: Mollusca Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Spec. Publ. 64(4): 433-434.
  • Morton, J. E. 1964. Locomotion. In: Wilburg, K. M. and Yonge, C. M. (eds). Physiology of Mollusca I, N.Y., London (Academic Press): 383-423, 28 figs.
  • Pelseneer, P. 1888b. Report on the Pteropoda collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876, 3. Anatomy Reports on the scientific. Results of the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876(zool.) 23(2): 1-97, 1 tab., 5 figs, 5 pls.
  • Sarnthein, M. 1967. The plankton-benthos ratio of mollusks in the recent sediments of the Persian Gulf. Proc. 1st ConfER. Plankt. Microfos.: 594-598.
  • Wells, F. E. 1978b. Subgeneric relationships in the euthecosomatous pteropod genus Limacina Bosc, 1817. J. malac. Soc. Aust. 4(1-2): 1-5, 1 tab.