Superfamilia Heteropoda


  • Charles, G. H. 1966. Sense organs (less cephalopods). In: M. K. Wilbur and C. M. Yonge. Physiology of Mollusca. 2. New York, London (Acad. Press): 455-521, 10 figs.
  • Golikov, A. N. and Starobogatov, Ya. I. 1975. Systematics of prosobranch gastropods. Malacologia 15(1): 185-232.
  • Jamieson, B. G. M. and Newman, L. J. 1989. The phylogenetic position of the heteropod Atlanta gaudichaudi Souleyet (Mollusca, Gastropoda), a spermatological investigation. Zool. Scripta 18(2): 269-278.
  • Kalide, G. 1888. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Muskulatur der Heteropoden und Pteropoden. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. 46: 337-377, 2 figs.
  • Krasucki, A. 1911. Untersuchungen über Anatomie und Histologie der Heteropoden. (Badania nad anatomia i histologia mieczaków wregonogich). Bull. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, (B)(sc. nat.)5(B): 391-450, pls 17-18.
  • MacDonald, J. D. 1862b. On the anatomy and classification of the Heteropoda. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 23(1): 1-20, 2 pls.
  • Milne Edwards, A., and Peters 1840. Zoological notes regarding the Cephalopoda, Pyrosoma, Salpa, Carinaria, Echinus, Holothuria, hydrostatic Acalephae, Beroe and coralline Polypidoms. Edinburgh New Phylos. J. 29: 167-171.
  • Pelseneer, P. 1892c. La classification générale des mollusques. Bull. Sci. France Belg. 23: 1-27, 1 fig.

    Also published in: Trav. Lab. Wimereux.