Diacavolinia flexipes


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  • Almogi-Labin, A. 1982. Stratigraphic and paleoceanographic significance of Late Quaternary pteropods from deep-sea cores in the Gulf of Aqaba (Elat) and northernmost Red Sea. Marine Micropal. 7(1): 53-72.
  • Ivanova, E. V. 1985. Late Quaternary biostratigraphy and paleotemperatures of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden based on planktonic Foraminifera and pteropods. Mar. Micropal. 9: 335-364.
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  • Sakthivel, M. 1967. A preliminary report on the distribution and relative abundance of Euthecosomata with a note on the seasonal variation of Limacina species in the Indian Ocean. In: Proc. Symp. 'Indian Ocean' March.
  • Sakthivel, M. 1975. A note an the annual variation of the euthecosomatous pteropods along the meridian 78° East in the Indian Ocean. Bull. Plank. Soc. Japan 21: 41-44.
  • Sakthivel, M. 1976a. Geographical and seasonal distribution of Euthecosomata (Pteropoda, Gastropoda) in the Indian Ocean. Meteor Forsch. Ergebniss D23: 1-22.
  • Spoel, S. van der 1971a. New forms of Diacria quadridentata (de Blainville, 1821), Cavolinia longirostris (de Blainville, 1821) and Cavolinia uncinata (Rang, 1829) from the Red Sea and the East Pacific Ocean (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Beaufortia 19 (243): 1-20.
  • Spoel, S. van der 1973g. Variation in Cavolinia longirostris (de Blainville, 1821) from the Pacific Ocean with description of a new form (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Bull. zool. Mus. Univ. Amst. 3 (14): 99-102.
  • Spoel, S. van der 1976a. Finer sculpture in euthecosomatous shells, and their value for taxonomy (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Beaufortia 24 (314): 105-132, pls I-X.
  • Spoel, S. van der 1976c. Pseudothecosomata, Gymnosomata and Heteropoda. Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema, Utrecht. 484 pp. 246 figs.
  • Spoel, S. van der, Bleeker, J. and Kobayasi, H. 1993. From Cavolinia longirostris to twenty-four Diacavolinia taxa, with a phylogenetic discussion (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Bijdr. Dierk. 62(3): 127-166.