Paedoclione doliiformis


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  • Danforth, C. H. 1907. (with introduction by J. S. Kingsley). A new pteropod from New England. Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. 32: 1-19, figs A-B, pls 1-4.
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  • Lalli, C. M. 1972. Food and feeding in Paedoclione doliiformis Danforth, a neotenous gymnosomatous pteropod. Biol. Bull. 143(2): 392-402, 4 figs.
  • Lalli, C. M. and Conover, R. J. 1973. Reproduction and development of Paedoclione doliiformis, and a comparison with Clione limacina (Opisthobranchia, Gymnosomata). Mar. Biol. 19: 13-22, 7 figs.
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  • Tesch, J. J. 1913c. Mollusca, Pteropoda. In: F. E. Schulze. Das Tierreich. Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen 36. Berlin (Friedberger and Sohn): i-xvi, 1-154, 108 figs.
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  • Violanti, D., Grecchi, G. and Castradori, D. 1991. Paleoenvironmental intertretation of core BAN88-11GC (Eastern Mediterranean, Pleistocene-Holocen) on the grounds of Foraminifera, Thecosomata and calcareous nannofossils. Il Quaternario 4(1a): 13-39.