Glaucus atlanticus Forster, 1777
Glaucus atlanticus n. sp. Forster, 1777
Glaucus hexapterigius n. sp. Cuvier, 1808; Bennett, 1836: 113.
Glaucus octopterygius n. sp. Cuvier, 1808
Glaucus forsteri n. sp. Quoy and Gaimard, 1832; Lamarck, 1836
Hirudinis marina n. sp. Breyn, 1705
Doris radiata n. sp. Gmelin, 1790
Scyllaea margaticacea n. sp. Bosc, 1802
Laniogerus blainvillii n. sp. Goldfuss, 1802
Laniogerus elfortii n. sp. De Blainville, 1825
Glaucus lineatus n. sp. Bergh, 1868
Glaucus gracilis n. sp. Bergh, 1868
Glaucus longicirrus n. sp. Bergh, 1868.
Glaucus marinus Baba, 1949
In the opinion of Pruvot-Fol (1954) Glaucillus marginata is a synonym of Glaucus atlanticus, however, Iredale (1940) stated that these different species are sometimes collected.