Creseis virgula conica


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  • Almogi-Labin, A., Hemleben, C. and Deuser, W. G. 1988. Seasonal variation in the flux of euthecosomatous pteropods collected in a deep sediment trap in the Sargasso Sea. Deep-Sea Res., 35(3): 441-464, 4 tabs, 22 figs.
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  • Bé, A. W. H. and Gilmer, A. W. 1977. A zoogeographic and taxonomic review of euthecosomatous Pteropoda. In: A. T. S., Ramsay (ed). Oceanic Micropalaeontology I. Acad. Press London: 733-808.
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  • Chen, C. and Hillman, N. S. 1970. Shell-bearing pteropods as indicators of water masses off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Caribb. 20(2): 350-367, 4 tabs, 3 figs.
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  • Spoel, S. van der 1970a. Morphometric data in Cavoliniidae with notes on a new forma of Cuvierina columnella (Rang, 1927) (Gastropoda, Pteropoda). Basteria 34 (5-6): 103-151.
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