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  • Molluscan assemblages from the marine Middle Miocene of South Jutland and their environments, 1-2. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse (2)79: 1-355 (1); 366-503, 16 tabs, 38 figs, 76 pls (2).
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  • Zur Anatomie, Physiologie und Naturgeschichte der pteropodischen Weichtiere (Flossenfüssler). Neue Not. Geb. Nat. Heilk. (28)6(600): 81-83; (28)7(601): 97-103.
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  • Zur Anatomie, Physiologie und Natur-geschichte der pteropodischen Weichtiere (Flossenfüssler). Neue Not. Geb. Nat. Heilk. 28(6) (600): 81-83 and 28 (7) (601): 97-103.
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  • Illustrated index of British shells. British supplement to Thesaurus Conchyliorum. London (Marshall and Co.): 1-15, 24 pls.
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  • Van der Spoel 1973b
  • Growth, reproduction and vertical migration in Clio pyramidata Linnaeus, 1767 forma lanceolata (Lesueur, 1813) with notes on some other Cavoliniidae (Mollsuca, Pteropoda). Beaufortia 21 (281): 117-134.
  • Van der Spoel 1982b
  • Intermediates between Diacria trispinosa and D. rampali (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Basteria 46(5/6): 121-123.
  • Van der Spoel 1981b
  • Gelijk of Ongelijk [Rede]. Bunge, Utrecht. 1-27.
  • Van der Spoel 1973c
  • Hyalea orbignii Rang, 1827 a fossil Cavolinia species (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Basteria 37 (1-2): 21-24.
  • Van der Spoel 1974
  • Geographic variation in Cavolinia tridentata (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Bijdr. Dierk. 44 (1): 100-112.
  • Van der Spoel 1987d
  • Five Pteropod species new for the Gulf of Alaska. Biol. Oceanogr. 5: 29-42.
  • Van der Spoel 1963
  • A new forma of the species Clio pyramidata Linnaeus, 1767 and a new resting stage of Clio pyramidata Linnaeus, 1767 forma sulcata (Pfeffer, 1879) (Gastropoda, Pteropoda). Beaufortia 10 (114): 19-28.
  • Van der Spoel 1972a
  • A taxonomic outline of the Gymnosomata (Mollusca). Basteria 36 (2-5): 75-88.
  • Van der Spoel 1973f
  • Strobilation in a mollusc; the development of aberrant stages in Clio pyramidata Linnaeus, 1767 (Gastropoda, Pteropoda). Bijdr. Dierk. 43 (2): 202-215, pls I-II.
  • Van der Spoel 1971b
  • Some problems in infraspecific classification of holoplanktonic animals. Zeitschr. Zool. Syst. Evol. 9 (2): 107-138.
  • Van der Spoel 1962a
  • Aberrant forms of the genus Clio Linnaeus, 1767 with a review of the genus Proclio Hubendick, 1951. Beaufortia 9 (107): 173-200.
  • Van der Spoel 1973d
  • Meridionalis, a valid forma in Clione limacina (Phipps, 1774) (Gastropoda). Bull. zool. Mus. Univ. Amst. 3 (10): 65-68.
  • Van der Spoel 1971c
  • Some problems in the speciation of pteropods. Netherl. J. Zool. 21 (2): 214 [summary of lecture].
  • Van der Spoel 1968a
  • A new forma of Diacria quadridentata (Blainville, 1821) and shell growth in this species (Gastropoda, Pteropoda). Vidensk. Medd. Dansk. Natur. Foren. 131: 217-224.
  • Van der Spoel 1992c
  • A note on pteropod ink. Basteria 56: 99-103.
  • Van der Spoel 1964b
  • Sense organs in Spongiobranchaea australis d'Orbigny, 1835 (Gastropoda, Pteropoda). Beaufortia 11 (143): 149-159.
  • Van der Spoel 1983b
  • Sur la répartition, la variation et la réproduction de quelques mollusques planctoniques (Ptéropodes). BIOMAR Univ. Bruxelles 2: 79-92.
  • Van der Spoel 1982a
  • Are pteropods really pteropods? Bull. zool. Mus. Univ. Amst. 9 (1): 1-6.
  • Van der Spoel 1987a
  • Annotated list of Mollusca, Tintinnidae Amphisolenia and Radiolaria collected in pumpsamples by the Amsterdam Mid North Atlantic Plankton Expeditions 1980-1983. Versl. Tech. Geg. Univ. Amsterdam 48: 1-99.
  • Van der Spoel 1979
  • Strobilation in a pteropod (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda). Malacologia 18: 27-30.
  • Van der Spoel 1977b
  • Strobilation in pteropods. Abstracts Sixth Malac. Congr. 1977: 60.
  • Van der Spoel 1970a
  • Morphometric data in Cavoliniidae with notes on a new forma of Cuvierina columnella (Rang, 1927) (Gastropoda, Pteropoda). Basteria 34 (5-6): 103-151.
  • Van der Spoel 1962b
  • Notes on some Pteropoda described by J. J. Tesch. Basteria 26 (1-2): 24-28.
  • Van der Spoel 1985a
  • Cavolinia inflexa, a polytypic species or a species pair with character displacement. Plankton Newsl. 2: 21-23.
  • Van der Spoel 1971a
  • New forms of Diacria quadridentata (de Blainville, 1821), Cavolinia longirostris (de Blainville, 1821) and Cavolinia uncinata (Rang, 1829) from the Red Sea and the East Pacific Ocean (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Beaufortia 19 (243): 1-20.
  • Van der Spoel 1969b
  • The shell of Clio pyramidata Linnaeus, 1767 forma lanceolata (Lesueur, 1813) and forma convexa (Boas, 1886)(Gastropoda, Pteropoda). Vidensk. Medd. Dansk. Natur. Foren. 132: 95-114.
  • Van der Spoel 1970b
  • The pelagic Mollusca from the 'Atlantide' and 'Galathea' expeditions collected in the East Atlantic. Atlantide Reports 11: 99-139, 24 figs.
  • Van der Spoel 1978
  • Clio bartletti n. sp., a fossil new to science closely related to Clio cuspidata (Gastropoda, Thecosomata). Bull. zool. Mus. Univ. Amst. 6 (15): 109-113.
  • Van der Spoel 1972c
  • Notes on the identification and speciation of Heteropoda (Gastropoda). Zool. Meded. 47: 545-560.
  • Van der Spoel 1973a
  • Clio pyramidata Linnaeus, 1767 forma convexa (Boas, 1886) (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Bull. zool. Mus. Univ. Amst. 3 (3): 15-20.
  • Van der Spoel 1964a
  • Notes on some pteropods from the North Atlantic. Beaufortia 10 (121): 167-176.
  • Van der Spoel 1968b
  • The shell and its shape in Cavoliniidae (Pteropoda Gastropoda). Beaufortia 15 (206): 185-189.
  • Van der Spoel 1971d
  • The pelagic Mollusca from the "Atlantide" and "Galathea" Expeditions collected in the East Atlantic. Atlantide Rep. 11: 99-139.
  • Van der Spoel 1987b
  • Diacavolinia nov. gen. separated from Cavolinia (Pteropoda, Gastropoda). Bull. zool. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam 11 (9): 77-80.
  • Van der Spoel 1981a
  • Descripcion de los conchas embrionarias de Cavoliniidae. In: Boltovskoy, D. (ed.). Atlas del zooplancton del Atlantico Sudoccidental. Publ. INIDEP Argentina: 525-531.
  • Van der Spoel 1969a
  • Diacria quadridentata forma danae van der Spoel, from the Atlantic Ocean. Basteria 33 (5-6): 105-107.
  • Van der Spoel 1992a
  • Peraclis valdiviae from the Banda Sea (Mollsuca, Pteropoda). Bijdr. Dierk. 62(2): 117-120.
  • Van der Spoel 1969c
  • Two new forms of Cavolinia uncinata (Rang, 1829)(Pteropoda, Gastropoda). Beaufortia 16 (220): 185-198.
  • Van der Spoel 1988
  • Patterns in plankton distribution and their relation to speciation. The dawn of pelagic biogeography. In: R. W. Sims, J. H. Price and P. E. S. Whalley (Eds) [S. I. Golovania et al(transl.)] . Evolution, time and space: the emergence of the biosphere. Moskva, Progress: 251-290.
  • Van der Spoel 1983a
  • Patterns in plankton distribution and their relation to speciation. The dawn of pelagic biogeography. In: Sims, R. W., Price, J. H. and Whalley, P. E. S. (Eds). Evolution, time and space: the emergence of the biosphere. London, Acad. Press: 291-334.
  • Van der Spoel 1975b
  • Preliminary note on variation of protoconchae of Clio pyramidata (Linnaeus, 1767) (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Bull. Zoöl. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam 4(21): 187-190, 2 tabs, 2 figs.
  • Van der Spoel 1973e
  • Pneumodermopsis teschi n. sp. and notes on some other Pteropoda of the "Thor Expeditions 1903-1910" (Gastropoda). Bull. zool. Mus. Univ. Amst. 3 (9): 53-64.
  • Van der Spoel 1975a
  • Preliminary note on variation of protoconchae of Clio pyramidata Linnaeus, 1767 (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Bull. zool. Mus. Univer. Amst. 4 (21): 187-190.
  • Van der Spoel 1973g
  • Variation in Cavolinia longirostris (de Blainville, 1821) from the Pacific Ocean with description of a new form (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Bull. zool. Mus. Univ. Amst. 3 (14): 99-102.
  • Van der Spoel 1986
  • What is unique about open-ocean biogeography; Zooplankton. UNESCO tech. pap. mar. sci. 49: 254-260.
  • Van der Spoel 1977c
  • Variation in protoconchae of Clio pyramidata. Abstracts Sixth Malac. Congr. 1977: 46 [summary of lecture].
  • Van der Spoel 1965
  • Differentiation in the pteropod Clio pyramidata Linnnaeus, 1767 forma sulcata (Pfeffer, 1879). Basteria 29 (1-4): 62-65.
  • Van der Spoel 1987c
  • Facts or artefacts. Veliger 30 (2): 206-210.
  • Van der Spoel 1992b
  • Pteropods from Akajima, Rep. Akajima Mar. Sci. Lab. 3: 12-13 [in Japanese]
  • Van der Spoel 1977a
  • Pteropoden in sedimenten. Corr. blad N. M. V. 176: 669-670 [summary of lecture].
  • Van der Spoel 1976a
  • Finer sculpture in euthecosomatous shells, and their value for taxonomy (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Beaufortia 24 (314): 105-132, pls I-X.
  • Van der Spoel 1976c
  • Pseudothecosomata, Gymnosomata and Heteropoda. Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema, Utrecht. 484 pp. 246 figs.
  • Van der Spoel 1972b
  • Pteropoda, Thecosomata. Cons. int. Expl. Mer. Zooplankton Sheet 140-142: 1-12.
  • Van der Spoel 1967
  • Euthecosomata, a group with remarkable developmental stages (Gastropoda, Pteropoda). J. Noorduyn and Zn, Gorinchem, 375 pp.
    Summary (in Dutch also published separately)
  • Van der Spoel, Boltovskoy 1981
  • Pteropoda. In: Boltovskoy, D. (ed.). Atlas del zooplancton del Atlantico Sudoccidental. Publ. INIDEP Argentina: 493-512.
  • Van der Spoel, Goessens 1986
  • Preliminary note on the pump samples of the Amsterdam Mid North Atlantic Plankton Expedition 1980 (Project 101A). Bull. zool. Mus. Univ. Amst. 10(19): 161-172.
  • Van der Spoel, Heyman 1983
  • A comparative atlas of zooplankton. Biological patterns in the oceans. Bunge, Utrecht; Springer Verl., Berlin: 1-186.
  • Van der Spoel, 1990
  • Juveniles of the pteropod Hyalocylis striata (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pteropoda). Basteria 54: 203-210, figs 1-6.
  • Van der Spoel, 1985
  • Note on the taxonomy of the family Notobranchaeidae and description of Notobranchaea bleekerae n. sp., a species new to science (Mollusca, Pteropoda). Basteria 49 (1-3): 29-361.
  • Van der Spoel, 1982
  • Pneumoderma degraaffi n. sp., a pteropod new to science (Mollusca, Opistobranchia). Bull. zool. Mus. Univ. Amst. 9 (3): 17-20.
  • Van der Spoel, Pierrot-Bults 1979
  • Zoogeography of the Pacific Ocean. In: S. van der Spoel and A. C. Pierrot-Bults (eds). Zoogeography and diversity in plankton. Utrecht (Bunge Sci. Publ.): 293-327.
  • Van der Spoel, 1988
  • Unique deviations in depth distribution of deep-sea forms. Deep Sea Res. 35 (7): 1185-1193.
  • Van der Spoel 1993
  • From Cavolinia longirostris to twenty-four Diacavolinia taxa, with a phylogenetic discussion (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Bijdr. Dierk. 62(3): 127-166.
  • Van der Spoel 1981
  • Classification y distribucion. In: Boltovskoy, D. (ed.). Atlas del zooplancton del Atlantico Sudoccidental. Publ. INIDEP Argentina: 512-524.
  • Van der Spoel 1992
  • Clio piatkowskii, a mesopelagic pteropod new to science (Gastropoda, Opithobranchia). Beaufortia 43(1): 1-6.
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  • Die Fauna der Remscheider Schichten. Abh. geol. Landesanst. (NF)58: 3, 81.
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  • Pteropods (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Tertiary formations of Washington and Oregon. J. Paleontol., 63(4): 433-438, 2 figs.
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  • Zur Gliederung des obermiozänen Glimmertons. Jahrb. preuss. geol. Landesanst. 51(1): 55-87.
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  • Mikrofaunen aus dem Tertiär nordwestdeutschlands. Abhandl. Reichsstelle Bodenforsch. (NF) 201: 1-26, 53 pls.
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  • Description, correlation, and paleoecology of Tertiary Cipero Marl Formation, Trinidad, B. W. I. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 32: 1292-1330, 2 figs.
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  • Asociatia de heteropode si pteropode Badenian inferioare din depresiunea Getica-Judetul Mehedinti. Dari de Seama ale Sedintelor 60: 181-190, 1 tab., 3 pls.
  • Stancu 1978
  • Nouvelles espéces d'Heteropoda et de Pteropoda dans le Badénien inférieur (Langhien) en Roumanie. Dari de Seama ale Sedintelor 64: 333-340, 3 pls.
  • Stancu 1979
  • Ptéropodes et hétéropodes du Miocäne de Roumanie. Ann. Géol. Pays Hellén. (h.s.) 3: 1387-1390, 1 tab.
  • Stancu, Andreescu 1968
  • Fauna tortoniana din regiunea Rugi-Delinesti (bazinul Caransebesului) Studii si Cerc. Geol. Geof. Geogr. (ser. Geol.) 13(2): 455-471, 1 fig., 7 pls.
  • Stancu, Popescu 1970
  • Biostratigraphical and mineralogical studies of the Tortonian formation from the northwestern slope of the Poiana Rusca massif (South Carpathians) [in Romanian with English summary]. Dari de Seama ale Sedintelor (1968-1969) 56: 165-192, pl. 1.
  • Stancu 1971
  • Studii stratigrafice asupra Miocenului din versantul nordic al Dunarii, intre Dubova si Pojejena (Carpatii meridionali). Dari de Seama ale Sedintelor 57: 119-133, 9 pls.
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  • Marine Mollusca, Galway excursion
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  • Die Molluskenfauna aus dem Burdigal (Unter-Miozän) von Fels am Wagram in Niederösterreich. Österr. Akad. Wissensch. 110(5): 1-88, 3 figs, 13 pls.
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  • Classification of marine environments. In: Hedgpeth, J. W. (ed.). Treatise on marine ecology and paleoecology, 1. Ecology moll.- Mem. Geol. Soc. America 67(1): 1-1296, figs.
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  • Biological, chemical and physical observations in Saanich Inlet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada MS Rep., 912: 1-119, 1 map.
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